Well, that was quick. Just a few weeks after unveiling the K4 Note, Lenovo has made official its successor - the K5 Note. The device comes with an all-metal body and is powered by a Mediatek Helio P10 SoC with 64-bit octa-core processor and Mali-T860 GPU. The handset sports a 5.5-inch Full HD LTPS display, and has 2GB RAM and 16GB expandable internal memory. In terms of camera, there's a 13MP unit at the back and an 8MP shooter at the front. It packs in a 3,500mAh battery that supports fast charging, and runs Android 5.1 Lollipop with Vibe UI on top. Measuring 152 x 75.7 x 8.49mm, The K5 Note offers support for dual-SIM, 4G LTE, as well as VoLTE. It also comes with a fingerprint sensor at the back, which can also be used for making payments as well as capturing images. In addition, the smartphone features 1.5W speaker on the rear with Dolby Atmos surround sound effect. As for the price, it carries a tag of RMB 1,099 (around $167) in China, where it will be sold through flash sal...