Samsung has announced the 2016 models of the Galaxy A5 and Galaxy A7 for India. The A5 and A7 are company's mid-range smartphones with premium design and build quality. Both phones have a 1080p Super AMOLED display, Snapdragon 615, 16GB storage, 13 megapixel camera at the back, 5 megapixel camera on the front, and Android Lollipop, all in a metal and glass body. Only differences are the bigger 5.5-inch display on the A7 compared to 5.2-inch on the A5, 3GB RAM vs. 2GB, and larger 3300mAh battery vs. 2900mAh. The Galaxy A5 is priced at INR 29,400 ($433) and the Galaxy A7 at INR 33,400 ($492). They will be available starting February 15, 2016.