Le launched new devices in the Indian market today named as Le 2 and Le max 2 priced at Rs. 11,999 and Rs. 22,999. The devices in this price range with snapdragon 652 and snapdragon 820 respectively are the best providing other perfect features which are better than devices available in the market right now. The only con about Le max 2 is its battery 3000mAh is insufficient for QHD display. Well Let's know their full specifications- Le 2 detailed specifications GENERAL Release date April 2016 Form factor Touchscreen Battery capacity (mAh) 3000 Removable battery No SAR value NA DISPLAY Screen size (inches) 5.50 Touchscreen Yes Resolution 1080x1920 pixels Pixels per inch (PPI) 403 HARDWARE Processor 1.8 GHz Octa-core Processor make Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 RAM 3GB Internal storage 32GB Expandable storage No CAMERA Rear camera 16-megapixel Flash Yes Front camera 8-megapixel SOFTWARE Operating System Android 6.0 Skin eUI ...