Yu is all set to launch its new device ready to roll the indian market with great features at an price tag of Rs. 24,999 and second version of Rs. 19,990. It is named as Yu Yutopia and its registrations are starting from 17th December 2015 instead of 7th December 2015 as announced earlier by the company. So lets a take a look at its features which makes the device worth buying. --》 GENERAL Sim Type: GSM+GSM Dual Sim: Yes Device Type: Smartphone DISPLAY Type: Color Touch: Yes Size: 5.2 inches MEMORY Internal: 16/32 GB inbuilt, 3/4 GB RAM Card Slot: Yes upto 128 GB CONNECTIVITY 3G: Yes 4G: Yes Wifi: Yes Bluetooth: Yes CAMERA Camera: Yes, 21 MP Flash: Yes Front Camera: Yes, 8 MP TECHNICAL OS: Android, v5.1.1 (Lollipop) CPU: Octa Core, Snapdragon 810 Processor BATTERY - 3000mAh battery Looking forward to get your views in the comment section down below.