Yu launched its new flagship device named Yu Yunicorn at Rs. 12,999 for the first month with some other exciting offers. But after 1 month the price will be Rs. 14,999. This time they have gone for OS closest to stock Android rather than going for buggy Cyanogen. Now let's head over to its features: Yu Yunicorn detailed specifications GENERAL Release date June 2016 Form factor Touchscreen Battery capacity (mAh) 4000 Removable battery No Colours Rush Silver, Graphite, Rush Gold SAR value NA DISPLAY Screen size (inches) 5.50 Touchscreen Yes Resolution 1080x1920 pixels HARDWARE Processor 1.4 GHz Octa-core Processor make MediaTek Helio P10 RAM 4GB Internal storage 32GB Expandable storage Yes Expandable storage type microSD Expandable storage up to (GB) 128 CAMERA Rear camera 13-megapixel Flash Yes Front camera 5-megapixel SOFTWARE Operating System Android 5.1 Skin Android on Steroids CONNECTIVITY Wi-Fi Yes Wi-Fi standa...