Xiaomi launched the successor of Redmi note 3 which was launched last year in China, named as Redmi Note 4 at the same price of 12k and 10k in 2 different versions. The base variant comes with 2GB RAM and 16GB internal storage and the main variant comes with 3GB RAM and 64GB internal storage. There's not have been much difference with the new device as only the main variant has more storage than the Redmi note 3. It has a little more battery life than the predecessor. The Chinese version consist of a Mediatek Helio X20 processor which is a deca-core processor that has 10 cores which handles the processes. But in India we will not be able to see the Mediatek version and may be the Snapdragon 652 could be equipped in the device. I don't think so there's much improvement in the successor. Well this is just an upgrade to the last version and is nothing new but yes this time the device is full body metallic as earlier version had plastic body at the top and the bottom. L...