Xiaomi’s Mi5 is roughly a month away. The long-rumored smartphone, which some fans have been anticipating for over a year, is set to launch next month. Now we’re being treated to a close-up look at the Mi5 thanks to a leaked photo shared on Chinese social network Weibo. The leaked Mi5 photo seems to match up with previous images we’ve seen. The device features a glass design with a metal ring around the edges, a home button/fingerprint reader just below the display, and a headphone jack up top. We’re also expecting a reversible USB-C port, though that’s not visible in this latest leak. The Weibo tipster also adds fuel to recent speculation that the Mi5 could cost a lot more than its predecessor. Xiaomi may charge as much as 3000 yuan (roughly $455), up from about $320 for the Mi4. Even so, the company is apparently “confident” that the Mi5 will still be a success. Xiaomi’s expected to pack the new phone with plenty of high-end hardware. includin...