China-based smartphone maker Xiaomi has officially unveiled its new flagship phone. As expected, Xiaomi lifted the lid on the latest device in its Mi series at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, where former Googler and current global VP for Xiaomi Hugo Barra gave the first glimpse of the Mi5 phone. Xiaomi has emerged as one of the world’s largest smartphone manufacturers since the launch of its first mobile phone way back in 2011, but they’re only available in China and a handful of Asian countries. Though Xiaomi has often been accused of copying Apple’s products, the company sold 70 million smartphones to consumers in 2015, said Barra. The Beijing-based company has long since branched out into other consumer products and services, including self-balancing scooters, fitness bands, tablets, routers, cloud storage, power banks, air purifiers, and more — many of these include separate startups that are backed financially by Xiaom...