Xiaomi has launched its flagship Mi 5 smartphone in India, as it had promised recently. The smartphone was announced at an event in China and at the MWC 2016 last month, packs a 5.15-inch 1080p display, is powered by a Quad-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor with Adreno 530 GPU, has 3GB of RAM, runs on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) with MIUI 7 on top, has a fingerprint sensor, 16-megapixel camera on the back with dual-tone LED flash, Sony IMX298 sensor, f/2.0 aperture, PDAF, 4-axis OIS and a 4MP front-facing camera. It also has dual SIM support, comes with 4G LTE and has a 3,000mAh battery with Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0. Xiaomi Mi 5 specifications ¿ 5.15-inch (1920×1080 pixels) Full HD display with curved glass, 95% of the NTSC color gamut, 600 nits brightness ¿ 1.8GHz Snapdragon 820 64-bit Quad-Core processor with Adreno 530 GPU ¿ 3GB LPDDR4 RAM with 32GB (UFS 2.0) internal storage ¿ Android 6.0 Marshmallow with MIUI 7 Dual SIM (nano + nano) ¿ ...