Today Xiaomi unveiled its first curved display device in China with 6 gigs of RAM and dual curved edges. A 5.7 inch FHD oled screen with snapdragon 821 underneath the hood and screen-to-body ratio of around 77%. It has a battery of 4070mAh with Quickcharge 3.0 equipped in it. It has a great rear camera of 22.56MP at 1/2.0 aperture and a decent front camera of 8MP. It has a NFC equipped and none other than any of the flagship phones out there. Doesn't it seem like the Samsung Note 7. Let us name it 'MI Note 7'. Getting to the pricing part which the Xiaomi has always been praised for. It comes in 3 variants: 4/64 model at 28,000; 6/128 model at 33,000; 6/128 Global Edition model at 35,000. Will you buy this MI Note 7 at this price range in India or Abroad. Feel free to comment. And yes this has become my personal favourate now by just seeing its specs. I think it will be better job than the Oneplus 3 but let's see how MIUI 8 on this device turns out to be. Detai...